
20 days Kenya Family Safari & Beach holiday

5 Days


Spend an unforgettable family safari in Kenya tracking big cats on game drives on a Masai Mara safari; drifting over vast plains on a scenic hot air balloon flight; going on guided bush walks led red-robed Maasai warriors and hand feeding giraffe at the well-known Giraffe Manor. Finalize this with a beach holiday at the beautiful Mombasa or Diani Beaches along the Kenyan Coast

Tour Highlights

  • Witness large colonies of flamingos at Lake Nakuru
  • Go on a beautiful nature walk at Lake Naivasha
  • Take photos of the famous ‘Big 5’ at the Masai Mara
  • Mombasa/Diani Beach
  • Vie Mount Kilimanjaro while at Amboseli National Park


Upon arrival in Nairobi, you will be met and transferred to your Hotel for check-in, followed city tour. Overnight at the hotel.

Departing your hotel at around 1000 hrs, you drive to Daphne Sheldrick Animal Orphanage, a world–class conservation figure and the premier authority on the successful raising of milk–dependent infant elephant and rhino orphans. Daphne Sheldrick’s Animal Orphanage, can be only be visited for an hour every day between 11am and noon. During this hour the ba elephants are brought out to play and to feed, and visitors can watch them from behind a rope. Wardens are on hand to explain the work of the orphanage and to answer any questions.
You then proceed to Giraffe Centre, located at Langata, approximately 20 kilometers from the centre of Nairobi, Kenya. Giraffe Centre tour gives a completely up close and personal interaction where guests have the opportunity to view giraffes as well as feed them. The centre has rescued, hand-reared and released around 500 orphaned giraffes back into the wild since opening in 1979.
Return to your hotel for overnight.

Departing Nairobi in the morning, you travel to Kenya’s northern frontier to the wild and rugged, Samburu, fiercely beautiful with its arid savannahs watered the lovely UasoNyiro River. Samburu National Reserve, one of the 56 protected areas in Kenya. It is famous in North of the equator because of the richness of flora and fauna. It lies on the flood plains and bottom land of EwasoNyiro drainage system in the Great Rift Valley. It has more than 2 dozen plants communities, but thorny scrubs which cover much of the reserve and the most common are Acacia family trees and the Down palms. You will have lunch enroute and view game as you proceed to Samburu Sopa Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4 :

You spend the day game viewing in the park as you capture as many photos as possible. Samburu National Reserve has over 50 species of wild animals in the reserve including unique species of Grevy Zebra, Reticulated Giraffe, Besia Oryx, Greater and Lesser Kudu, Gerenuk, Somali ostrich, pancake tortoise and others. Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

After breakfast, you head south to Lake Nakuru with packed lunches to arrive in time for a late afternoon game drive in the park, where you will have a chance to visit a unique sanctuary catering for a sizeable number of the endangered rhinoceros and the Rothschild giraffe. Waterbucks as well as the predators such as the lion and leopard are common at the park. Also to be seen is a myriad different variety of birdlife in and around the lake with approximately 400 bird species recorded.
Meals and overnight at Lake Nakuru Lodge.

Morning game drive to further explore the park and after breakfast, you head south to the Masai Mara Game Reserve—jewel of Kenya’s Game Park with lunch enroute, enjoy a welcome game drive enroute to the Mara Leisure Camp for dinner and overnight.

Day 7 :
Masai Mara

You spend the days in search of the Big5 among other game!
This is the most popular reserve in Kenya and it is famed for its astounding concentration of game. From the base camp, we explore the Mara region, packed with the elephant, zebra, rhino and all kinds of game throughout the year with the spectacular wildebeest migration from Serengeti occurring mainly in July and August. Being at Maasai Mara is as if you found yourself in “the New York of the natural world” according to some authorities. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.

Day 8 :
Masai Mara

You spend another day in Maasai Mara in search of the Big5 among other game! You can visit the Maasai Village on this day as an optional activity.

Morning game drive to further explore the park and after breakfast, you depart for Lake Naivasha region to arrive in time for lunch. Followed an afternoon game drive at the Crescent Island Conservancy, whose terrain is flat, making it easy for walkers of all abilities to enjoy themselves. There is a lot of easy to see game e.g. giraffes, waterbucks, elands, wildebeests, zebras and impalas. It is also a heaven for birds with +200 species recorded. Dinner and overnight at Lake Naivasha Sopa Resort.

Day 10 :

After breakfast, you depart for Hell’s Gate National park, one of Kenya’s smaller national parks, with packed lunches and spend the day exploring the park on foot or hire bicycles and ride amid gracefully grazing gazelles and the larger antelopes, a delightful experience.
Dinner and overnight at the Resort.

After breakfast, you drive south to Amboseli National reserve at the foot of snowcapped Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak to arrive in time for lunch, followed later an afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at Amboseli Serena Lodge.

You spend the day game viewing in the park with extensive morning and afternoon game drives. Meals and overnight at the lodge.
Amboseli National park is one of the most popular wildlife sanctuaries in Kenya, situated close to Kenya- Tanzania border. The Park lies at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa (5,896m) whose snow-capped summit presents a splendid view on clear days. Amboseli National Park is often referred to as The home of Elephants’; some of the largest Elephant herds are found here.

After breakfast, you leave for Tsavo West National Park. Visit the Mzima Springs, which are favorite haunts of both the hippo and crocodile that can be seen from an underwater observation chamber if time permits, prior to check-in and lunch at the lodge. Followed late afternoon game drive to explore the park.Dinner and overnight at Kilaguni Serena Lodge.

You drive to Tsavo East after breakfast, viewing game as you leave the park. Tsavo East National park was famed for its large herds of elephant covered in red dust and fine scenery. We visit the scenic Lugards Falls, Mudanda Rocks (attracts elephants in the drier season) and Aruba Dam. Lunch at the lodge. After some rest, you embark on an evening game drive. Dinner and overnight at Ashnil Aruba Camp.

Day 15 :
Tsavo East

Full day spent exploring the park with extensive morning and afternoon game drives.
The landscape in Tsavo East is flatter and drier, despite having one of Kenya’s largest rivers flowing through the middle. Much of the wildlife is concentrated on the Galana River, which has plentiful crocodiles and hippos. Among the common game includes elands, Kudus, waterbucks and dik-diks, impala, elephants, lion, jackal, mongoose, zebras, hyenas, African hunting dogs, gazelle, buffalo, velvet monkeys, bat-eared fox, aardwolf. Meals and overnight the Camp.

Early morning game drive before breakfast, and thereafter depart for Mombasa, drop off at Beach Resort & Spa for overnight.

You spend the days at leisure enjoying the hotel facilities or participating in various activities at the hotel or optional water sports. Meals and overnight at the Resort & Spa.

You spend the days at leisure enjoying the hotel facilities or participating in various activities at the hotel or optional water sports. Meals and overnight at the Resort & Spa.

You spend the morning at leisure prior to catching your afternoon flight to Nairobi then transfer to your Hotel

Day 20 :

Catch with your flight home.
End of trip.

What's Included

  • Transport in a safari van customized for game viewing
  • English speaking Driver/guide,
  • Game drives
  • Accommodation in lodge
  • Meals on Full Board Basis while on Safari
  • Mineral water
  • All Park Entrance Fees
  • Round-trip airport transfer

What's Not Included

  • Soft & alcoholic drinks
  • Things of personal nature
  • International Airfares, Visa Fees
  • Optional activities unless specified as included
  • Tips and other gratitude

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20 days Kenya Family Safari & Beach holiday